Kenny Kent Petroleum Remediation Grant Incentive (PRGI)


EMC’s completion of the kenny kent prgi project is the most successful project under the former prgi brownfields program.

Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. was awarded the contract for this site after submittal of a competitive fixed fee bid following the program guidelines.


This site was the former location of a bus terminal and automobile dealership that contained a total of seven (7) underground storage tanks (USTs).  Each of the tanks was either removed or closed in place with residual contamination left in the tank pit.  Prior to the PRGI application, EMC provided assessment and investigative services for the city of Evansville, consistent with this request for qualifications, to evaluate this Brownfield site.


Within three (3) months of being given the notice to proceed for the project, EMC mobilized to the site, completed the remediation of the residual contaminated soils from the three (3) tank pits, collected confirmatory soil samples from the walls and floor of the excavations according to Indiana Risk Integrated System of Closure (RISC) sampling strategies, restored the site to owner specifications, prepared the written report for submittal to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and obtained a No Further Action letter from the state.  Since then, the buildings at the site have been demolished and the site is shovel ready for future development.