Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) conducts “all appropriate inquiry” into the previous ownership and uses of a property consistent with good commercial and customary practice. A Phase I ESA is generally the initial review of a site to determine potential liabilities associated with the property.

A properly conducted and professionally evaluated Phase I determines the presence or absence of recognized environmental conditions that may require further investigation. It encompasses a historical review of the site and surrounding areas land use and environmental records, interviews of persons with knowledge of the property and locale, and a site reconnaissance performed by an environmental professional.

EMC conducts Phase I ESA in conformance with the scope and limitations of the American Society for Testing and Materials' (ASTM) and 40 CFR part 312 developed by the Environmental Protection Agency to meet the due diligence requirements for the purpose of establishing defenses which may be available under the CERCLA. These defenses include the innocent landowner, bona fide prospective purchaser and contiguous property owner.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

If the results of the Phase I ESA indicates potential environmental contamination, a site-specific work plan is then developed for performing a Phase II ESA.

The Phase II investigation involves sampling and analysis of soil and/or groundwater associated with the potential areas of concern. Properly planned and executed sampling events should determine any contaminant impacts, delineate the contaminated area, and evaluate all affected media. If contaminants appear to have migrated from the subject property, off-site sampling may also need to be conducted.

EMC provides Phase II site characterizations following established standard operating procedures based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or state guidelines. Our staff thoroughly evaluates the specific area of concern in relation to applicable environmental rules and statutes. A sampling plan is then prepared to achieve meaningful data based on the proposed future use of the site.