Former Greyhound Depot in Evansville, Indiana
EMC provided soil and groundwater investigation and remediation, and ARRA assistance
The site was an abandoned Greyhound Bus Depot that was used as a terminal and refueling station until 2007. A confirmed release was reported during underground storage tank (UST) closure activities performed during 1992. Three gasoline USTs were permanently removed and samples collected during closure activities indicated that soil had been impacted. The property is currently owned by the Evansville Redevelopment Committee.
Current Status
Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. was awarded the contract to complete additional groundwater and soil sampling during 2009 to determine the extent of groundwater and soil contamination and to perform remediation of the site. A total of over 900 tons of soil was excavated and three previously unknown USTs were located and removed from the site. The site has been granted a “No Further Remedial Action Planned” letter by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
The historic greyhound depot is now a Bru Burger restaurant.